For first-time mommies, pregnancy can be such a nerve-racking experience. Sure, giving birth to another human and starting a family can be exciting but sometimes, the excitement is undermined by the worries and fears that come with it.
Although most fears are common and understandable, there are some which are completely irrational but still get the best of us.
We know deep down that these fears are irrational but for some reason, they just add to the paranoia of the journey we’re embarking on.
Admit it, we’re all guilty of getting these thoughts at some point during our pregnancy, but don’t worry, because it’s only natural to feel like this.
Here are the most common pregnancy fears and why you shouldn’t let them bother you that much.
Weight Gain and Facial Changes
Some expecting mothers tend to fear that pregnancy might change their facial features, specifically the nose. One woman said that she feared that her nose might start spreading after noticing a friend from college whose nose got larger as got closer to her due date.
Obstetrician-gynecologist Ashley Roman explained that there is some truth to this, but she pointed out that this was in relation to several factors such as weight gain, hormonal changes, and water retention.
In short, it’s nothing abnormal about the process and these changes are definitely reversible, so don’t panic when you notice that you somehow look different.

Everything will come back to normal once you give birth, but this process won’t happen overnight.
As for the weight gain, some women experience post-partum depression after seeing their bodies giving birth. However, the extra pounds will come off with proper diet and exercise once you get the green light from your doctors to start moving again.
For expecting moms who aren’t worried about how their body will look like, props to you, but for those who worry too much, just remember that you are giving life to another human being makes all the struggles worthwhile.
A lot of first-time mothers have the fear of losing their baby somehow. It’s one of the most common worries among pregnant women which makes them very overprotective of their baby bump.
Women become so paralyzed by this fear that they start calculating their every single move and overanalyzing everything that goes inside their body is researched to ensure that nothing brings harm to the little human being inside their belly.
This fear is warranted to some extent and it is okay to be cautious during this period of your life, but don’t let this get to your head and take away the joy of motherhood.
Note that miscarriages and complications usually happen during the first trimester and often occur when women don’t even know that they are expecting.
Accidentally Crushing the Baby While Sleeping

If you’re a wild sleeper, having the fear of unconsciously rolling on your stomach will give you sleepless nights – and that’s because you think that you will accidentally squish your bundle of joy.
As odd as it sounds, a lot of pregnant women have this worry, which is pretty understandable. You’ll do everything to protect your baby as a mother and you can’t risk the thought of unintentionally hurting the life growing inside you.
However, this is just a misconception: Dr. Roman explained that the body allows plenty of room for the baby to grow inside and that it is safe for you to lie on your stomach. Whew, what a sigh of relief!
However, you’ll find out for yourself that as you get closer to your due date, it will be more uncomfortable to roll onto your belly because of the protruding bump. Your pregnancy will naturally change your sleeping position long before you can harm your child.
Parenting Skills

A lot of soon-to-be moms fear what will happen once they gave birth. This is a normal concern for many new parents because they don’t know what to expect. They usually worry that they won’t be a good parent to the baby.
Always remember that the whole pregnancy ride itself is already a very delicate and stressful experience and surviving this phase will tell that you can make it through parenting as well.
There’s no one right way to raise a child but you’ll figure it out along the way. What’s more, you’ll learn some tips and tricks while you’re at it and there’s nothing more enjoyable than discovering the knick-knacks of being a parent.