Accidents happen all the time regardless if you’re ready or not – or if your wallet is prepared or not. That’s why they are called accidents, they are…
86 Million Americans Have THIS Fear When It Comes to Using Their Credit Cards
It’s hard to spend when you’re conscious about reaching the limits of your credit card, but there are some who seemed to be unperturbed because someho…
4 Financial Mistakes That Are Preventing You from Becoming a Millionaire
Money can’t buy you happiness – sure, as there are things far more important than being rich, but there is one thing that moolah can give you that not…
What the College Admissions Scandal Taught Us About Psychology of Wealthy People
Any parent is willing to sacrifice a lot for their kids, whether it’s ethical or unethical. Be it totally questionable or not, it doesn’t matter, so l…
Shaquille O’Neal Once Spent $1 Million in an Hour and Learned This Valuable Financial Lessons We All Need to Hear
Assuming you have a million dollars, how long will you spend the entire amount? For sure you’ve already imagined the luxury bags, high-end gadge…
5 Things Millennials Should Invest In Now to Save Themselves From Regret Later
Financial security is such a big concept that most people fear it — heck even most people don’t understand what it means. However, it shouldn’t …
Here’s Why Bill Gates’ Net Worth Just Keep Soaring Despite Donating Billions of Dollars to Charities
Microsoft founder Bill Gates is sitting comfortably at the second place of the world’s richest, behind Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos. With a net worth of $100…
You Can Teach Your Kids to Save Money by Doing These Simple Household Chores
Kids nowadays spend most of their free time on gadgets. Gone are the days when they go outside and play hide-and-seek or in the playground – something…
How Socially Responsible Investing Can Help You Make a Bigger, Better Change
It is not rocket science to figure out what the goal of investing is. You would not risk your hard-earned money if it would not grow. However, most of…
How Elon Musk Became The Second-Richest Man on The Planet Without Taking a Single Paycheck from Tesla
2020 has not been the best year for most human beings but Elon Musk may not feel the same way. After all, he has seen his net worth significantly grow…