It’s hard to spend when you’re conscious about reaching the limits of your credit card, but there are some who seemed to be unperturbed because somehow, the piece of plastic makes buying things easy. …
These are the Blockbuster Hits That Helped Mel Gibson Build His $425 million Empire
With over forty years in show business under his belt, there is no doubt why people regard 63-year-old Mel Gibson a Hollywood veteran. He stayed in the spotlight while raking awards both as an actor a…
Taylor Swift Is the Highest-Paid Celebrity: Here’s How She Earns and Spends Her $360 Million
Detractors and former co-workers can spread nasty details about her but she still sits at the top spot — that is, as the top-earning celebrity. Taylor Swift recently made headlines for two reaso…
Unhealthy Habits That Are Stopping You from Becoming Mentally Strong
There’s nothing wrong with being physically strong, but it takes discipline and consistency to achieve this state. More importantly, you also need to have mental strength because, without it, it would…
Commercial Air Travel Just Got A Lot More Luxurious for the Uber Rich
If the opulence and luxury of Four Season’s current Boeing 757-200 ER private jet lineup still leaves something to be desired on your $120,000 ultra-exclusive trip around the globe, then worry not. Fo…
Here’s How Jennifer Lopez Rewarded Herself After the No-Carb-No-Sugar Challenge
We usually tap ourselves in the back for a job well done. Whether it be in work, where we finished a task long before the deadline; in school when you get the long-awaited A+; or in life, if you accom…
4 Incredible Tech Inventions in the Last Decade That Changed the World as We Know It
2010-2020 has been a pretty incredible decade for the tech industry. Just 10 years ago, Facebook was the most popular social media platform and Instagram hadn’t even come into existence, ride-hailing …
Here’s Why Bill Gates’ Net Worth Just Keep Soaring Despite Donating Billions of Dollars to Charities
Microsoft founder Bill Gates is sitting comfortably at the second place of the world’s richest, behind Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos. With a net worth of $100 million, what more could he do with the sum than …
The Impressive Reason You Should Also Eat Breakfast Staple Omelet For Dinner
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, many people say, so why not have it for dinner as well? The thought instantly elicits a raised eyebrow, but a nutritional psychiatrist wants to convinc…
5 Things Millennials Should Invest In Now to Save Themselves From Regret Later
Financial security is such a big concept that most people fear it — heck even most people don’t understand what it means. However, it shouldn’t be something that’s avoided because at this day an…